storage of heavy elements in the tissue the
radiation-therapeutic effect could be improved.
Dr. Ferdinand
SILBERBAUER: "without heavy-atoms the biggest part of a
high-voltage-radiation goes simple through the tissue through.”
heavy atoms storaged in a tumour, increases itself the focal
dose, and the tissue before and behind the malignoma is more
spared," so Dr. Ferdinand SILBERBAUER, specialist for nose-, ear
and throat therapeutics, Vienna.
is occupied since 1974 with radiance-physics and noticed, that
at the radio-therapy emerging Compton-scattered-radiation and
photo-effects for the tumour-treatment could become exploited.
His theory is based on general physical bases: Ever higher the
energy of the incident radiance is, the bigger is the
probability for Compton-effects. At low energies photo-effects
rather originate.
or photo-effects in the tissue
Compton-effects it comes to the interaction between the
radiation (the photons) and the met atom. A part of the energy
is transferred to a loosely tied electron, which as a so called
secondary-electron flies off. The difference-energy-amount gets
remaining as photo-energy, becomes however radiated off as
compton-scattered-radiation in an altered direction. Thereby
become further Compton effects induced, so long, until the
energy is too low and the photon is absorbed in form of a
photo-effect. At the photo-effect the photon transfers all its
energy to an atom, what thereupon hurls out an electron.
"If now a photo-effect or a Compton effect appears, depends now
firstly on the energy of the radiation and secondly on the mass
respectively on the ordinal number of the met atoms." It is a
question of a statistical event: Brings one heavy-atoms into a
tissue in, then can more electrons be out-hurled by high
energetic compton effects, and the probability for a
photo-effect climbs- in fact with the fourth potency of the
also Compton-scattered-rays appear. The heavy-atoms work however
how antennas for this radiation, catch it off and absorb the
energy in form of photo-effects. SILBERBAUER: "The electrons,
which are thereby out-hurled, lead in the immediate
atom-vicinity, where it is desired, to cell-damages. By
chromosome-fractures and destruction of the chemical bindings
the tumour-cells become irreversibly damaged, and the tissue
before and behind the tumour becomes spared." It comes to an
amplification-effect, therefore could be lowered also the
primary radiance-dose.
These effects
did the radiance-therapists, so SILBERBAUER, up to now not
heed: "without heavy-atoms the biggest part of a
high-voltage-therapy goes simple through the tissue through and
there originate as primarily-effect mainly low-energetic compton-effects.
The tumour becomes fewer damaged and the surrounding tissue more
as necessary." Through the heavy-atom-storage can however the
multiplied photo-effects with the originated compton-scattered-rays
additional be included.
One could
apply the method of SILBERBAUER at the glioblastoma multiforme (astrocytoma
IV) in connection with the high-voltage-therapy or otherwise the
"This tumour
stores contrast-mediums, that are enriched with iodine
(ordinal-number 53)," so SILBERBAUER. Through the finger-like
processes and the relative poor demarcation to the healthy
tissue would namely the glioblastoma for normal radiotherapy by
Gamma-knife not come in question.
however someone iodine by the contrast-medium into, so come
those by me described effects fully to the carrying." Also other
tumours however could be treated with the heavy-atom-supported
support radiotherapy
describes the effect of high-energetic Compton-effects as
follows: "One could compare this with a tree, on that one
shoots with a gun. The bullet goes simply just through. Do I
have however a bomb in the tree - in the tumour there would be
this heavy-atoms - and I meet this with the gun, then I achieve
a corresponding local effect."
As example
SILBERBAUER presented also the event of a boy out of his
friend-circle, at whom a brain-tumour was diagnosed: "based on
the localisation and the enhancement at the
contrast-medium-supported computer-tomogram was this tumour
likely a glioblastoma multiforme. Through haemorrhages it had
come to a strong iron-pigment-settlement. Iron belongs with an
ordinal-number of 26 to the middle heavy atoms."
induced radiotherapy by telecobalt: "The administered
focal-dose amounted to only 50 Gray, was however nevertheless
striking effective."
Twenty-five years
later delights the young man furthermore at best health, what
the ear-nose-and throat-doctor derives from the action of the by
him described effect. This theory becomes also confirmed by Doz.
Dr. Herbert STÖRI, Technical University Vienna. The
radiance-physicist carried out the energetic calculations for
the theme "Compton-scattered-radiation". The radiance therapists
however have, so SILBERBAUER, until now either to it not
responded or however have given no belief to his explainations,
although "the logic of my statement is simple and conclusive."