It is clear,
that the causes for the ozone-hole (halogenated hydrocarbons,
halogenated propellant-gases, halones etc.) no longer might be
set free, because they dismantle the ozone in the upper
air-stratums in 20 until 30 kilometres height.
But the
already set free halogen-containing pollutants will lead over
decades away by diffusion into the upper air-stratums still
furthermore to the enlargement of the ozone-hole, with
un-foreseeable consequences to the plant-world and wildlife and
on us human beings. Because at shortage of ozone in the upper
air-area the short-wavy ultraviolet rays penetrate down to the
ground, damage each creature and generate here at existence of
nitrogen-oxides and gaseous hydrogen carbons multiplied ozone.
Also the vicious tumours of the skin increase by the
radiance-effect. The other free set hydrocarbons carry high
above beside carbondioxyde to the hothouse effect. This leads by
shortage of rain to the change of our climate; it originates
steppes and deserts, where previously greenland was
(Sahel-zone!). It is therefore pointless and even dangerous, to
introduce hydrocarbons extra into the upper air-stratums for the
decrease of the ozone-dismantling, how some scientists have put
to the discussion.
The solution
of the problem looks as follows: helium-carried airships in 20
until 25 km height, that are coated by thin-laminated sun-cells
and possess at the underside a big multiple reception-antenna
for energy-transferring coherent microwaves, should lead an
air-cleaning-device with themselves. This device is equipped
with a molecular-filter for hydrocarbons and enrich the cleansed
air with ozone. The drive-type is natural electric. The
liquefying of the hydro carbons is at the above reigning cold no
big problem. They are pumped into pressure-receptacles and
thrown off over suitable areas at parachutes.
waste-disposal of the halogenated and not halogenated
hydrocarbons shall then to the best together with different
combustibles in oxygen-doted, catalyst-supported incinerators
follow, because these produce no toxic final-products (Cinders,
filter-dust, exhausts).
If we want
therefore, that our children and child-children without
ultra-violet- combustions can enjoy the free nature, then we
must begin necessarily now with the above described activities.