by environment-doctor Obermedizinalrat Dr. med. univ. Ferdinand SILBERBAUER

 The refuse dump- last stop of an unsolved problem?

It was worked for a method, by which the not recyclable garbage by complete   oxidation is rendered harmless, whereby long-distance-heat and current for the peak-current-demand out of nitrogen-store-power-stations are won.


It is irresponsible, if a poison-substances (heavy metals, dioxins, dibenzofurans, halogenated hydrocarbons) including garbage is lodged anywhere into the soil, where the poisons are washed out by the rain and can so arrive at the ground water! This poverty-testimony of our century could only result from the deficient communication between science and politics.

One could not demand that politicians at the same time are also scientists, but the deficient communication led to the unbelievable dilemma, whose result culminated in this wise, that one turned the problems simple under the carpet.

Now, how could solve one the garbage-problem? The answer is relative simple: What isn't able to be recycled should be burned completely. Another expression for combustion is oxidation. Complete oxidation signifies, that the above called environment-poisons get completely rendered harmless. For a complete oxidation one requires sufficient oxygen and a high-temperature-resistant stove (1250 degrees Celsius) built of high-grade-steel or ceramics.

However, it is not enough to carry only air to, because air consists of 4/5 nitrogen and only 1/5 oxygen. To oxidize the problem- substances one must enclose in addition extra pure oxygen to the combustion-air. Thereby disintegrate all hydrocarbons, dioxins and dibenzofurans into water, carbondioxyde and hydrochloric acid, which gets later neutralized. The heavy- metals are transposed into heavy- metal- oxides, which are water- insoluble and can so no longer poison the ground-water. 

However, where do we take from the oxygen, how does it get to be won? Here offers itself the Linde-procedure: air becomes liquefied, and the oxygen is detached by fractionated distillation. At this combustion originates increased heat, which becomes used for the long-distance-heating the liquid nitrogen serves as a negative energy-bearer for the compensation of the peak-current-demand: thereby becomes the liquid nitrogen heated in with free available air charged heat-exchanger, made of siliciumnitride, by which the nitrogen expands and propels a gas-turbine for the current-production. So we have then developed the method, which represents for our current-industry a long searched solution. We need then fewer caloric-power-stations, because we receive the current by means of the nitrogen-gas-turbine.   
