
Obermedizinalrat Dr. med. univ. Ferdinand SILBERBAUER


Born on the 05. July at 1945 at Freistadt, Oberösterreich, Austria. Visited there the grade school and the federal-realgymnasium. Final examination on the 21. June at 1963 at the High school in Gmunden, Austria.


Studies of the medicine at the University of Vienna and graduation to the doctor of  medicine on the 25. May at 1973. Then training to the practical doctor at the general-hospital Stockerau, Niederösterreich, Austria and at land-hospital Klagenfurt, Kärnten, Austria with acquisition of the ius practicandi.

1975 until 1982 assistant physician in the land-hospital of Klagenfurt and training to the nose-, ear and throught-specialist.


1982- 1984
specialist- practice in Spittal/ Drau, Kärnten, Austria.
Since 1984 nose-, ear- and througth-specialist-practice in 1100 Vienna, Dampfgasse 19/ 5, Austria.


President and member of the managing board of the "friend-circle Wurzerhof" for the patronage of handicapped persons;
member of the humanitarian order "Pro Concordatia Populorum";
member of the forum of Austrian scientists for environment-protection;


Nomination to the first-lieutenant-doctor of the Austrian Federal-army, Van Swieten-barracks, Vienna, Stammersdorf; 1984

Promotion to the COMTUR for health of the International order Pro Concordatia Populorum at 1989

Bestowal of the Deutschmeister-Ehrenkreuz I. class, which on the 11. September at 1983 by his holiness pope Johannes Paul II. in Vienna was blessed, by the presidency of the Hoch- und Deutschmeister`s at 1989.

Bestowal of the medal for science and culture by the international order Pro Concordatia Populorum at 1997,

Bestowal of the occupation-title “Medizinalrat” with decision of the Austrian Federal-president on the 11th of November at 1998.

Bestowal of the golden honour-merit-star by the Austrian humanitarian Ferdinandus order of 1561- ÖHFO at 1998;

Nomination to the
high-grade-officer of the International order Pro Concordatia Populorum in 1995

Bestowal of the silver- honour- signation- star by the Austrian Ärztekammer at 2005

Bestowal of the title  "Obermedizinalrat" at 2007.